“Tupperware for Glass” is the first single of the upcoming album “To Keep Him Here” by Hello Emerson.
Now you can preorder the new album as limited vinyl or cd in our shop.
“Thanks for listening to our new single Tupperware for Glass (tiny desk video) — it’s the opening salvo for our third album, due out in a matter of weeks. I’m more proud of it than anything I’ve made (ever) and I’m so thrilled to share it with you.”
“If you listened to it, you probably noticed it starts with a man’s voice. That’s my father, recounting his last memories before a serious and sudden accident wiped his memory and landed him in the hospital for nine days. At the end of the story, he’s alive and well (though with less of a filter and no sense of smell). But at the time, I was certain that I would never speak to him again. During those nine days, the family walked the balance beam between pulling for his recovery and steeling ourselves to say goodbye. It was difficult — and it require some unpacking.”
“For me, unpacking all of that meant making a record from it.His voice carries us through the entire 40 minutes, with additional chamber instrumentation from Knisely. I am so excited to share it with you — and I believe that it can provide some comfort and solace to people who have also sit in hospital rooms with loved ones, without much productive to do but hope.”
Sam & Hello Emerson