HELLO EMERSON – new singles, videos & european tourdates


Hello Emerson put out two more singles (and videos) of the new Album ‘To Keep Him Here’.
Check out the European tourdates in Mai.

11.05.2024 Karlsruhe – NUN
12.05.2024 Fürth – Kopf & Kragen 
14.05.2024 Bayreuth – Neuneinhalb 
15.05.2024 Dresden – Beatpol (support für Husten)
16.05.2024 Wetzlar – Franzis 
18.05.2024 Crailsheim – 7180 Bar
21.05.2024 Berlin – Insel Biergarten
22.05.2024 Hamburg –  Knust Lattenplatz 
23.05.2024 Lübeck – Tonfink 
25.05.2024 Langenberg – KGB with GARDA
26.05.2024 Dresden – Blue Note

(more dates will folllow)

The whole album ” to Keep Him Here ” focuses on an event in 2017 that landed my father in the hospital for nine days, without any memory to explain why. This is about first hearing the news.

remember that I got a call from Mom at work on a Wednesday. In a little office with a little window that looked out at the parking lot. And she didn’t really have any information. Just that she was on the highway driving up to the University of Michigan hospital. She called me to let me know, and to prepare me for when she called back later – either to tell me to stay home or to drive up.

Part of the difficulty of everything is that the event that led to his injury was a random accident while he was doing a random act of kindness. There’s nothing that anyone could do to prevent it. There’s no one to blame. We can do everything we can to avoid carcinogens, keep ourselves healthy, work out, eat well, and it is worth doing. But it also means nothing at the same time, because that’s just how the world works.

I hope you listen, reflect, and maybe share it with someone who’s been in a similar situation.
Sam Brodary / Hello Emerson

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